
Responsibility to Protect

As an employer, you’re required by law to protect your employees, and others, from harm and as minimum you have the responsibility to:

  • identify what could cause injury or illness in your business (hazards)
  • decide how likely it is that someone could be harmed and how seriously (the risk)
  • take action to eliminate the hazard, or if this isn’t possible, control the risk

A risk assessment is a thorough look at your workplace to identify those things, situations, processes, etc. that may cause harm, particularly to people. After identification is made, you analyze and evaluate how likely and severe the risk is. When this determination is made, you can next, decide what measures should be in place to effectively eliminate or control the harm from happening (OSHA 2021).

Risk assessments are very important as they form an integral part of an occupational health and safety management plan. They help to:

  • Create awareness of hazards and risk.
  • Identify who may be at risk (e.g., employees, visitors, contractors, the public, etc.).
  • Determine if existing control measures are adequate or if more should be done.
  • Prevent injuries or illnesses, especially when done at the design or planning stage.
  • Prioritize hazards and control measures.
  • Meet legal requirements where applicable